ATA (Algeria)


Armatures Techniques Algérie SPA (ATA SPA) arises from the joining of ASICOM SPA and ERSI Group and aims to implement the most advanced construction technologies in both products and services. It seeks to establish close collaboration with professionals from Algeria to stimulate the sum of experiences and knowledge, to contribute to sustainable development and to ensure the full integration of the company in Algeria from a strong vocation of permanence.

The guarantee of the highest standards of quality, introduction of modern construction techniques, commitment to innovation, the reduction of occupational hazards, respect for the environment, and optimisation of resources, will allow ATA to set up in Algeria and be able to access the most up-to-date construction procedures.

Société Algéro-Saoudienne d’Investissement (ASICOM) was founded by an agreement signed in April 2004 between the ministers of Finance of Algeria.

ERSI Group is a benchmark in the international construction industry for both large projects and building works. Manufacturer, supplier and on-site assembler of concrete structures.

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